I'm not always here...but I dont knw...
I feel I have to post something in here....

leah..she has the right to love that somebody..but she knows that she has to leave so that he can love someone else...even though she knws in his heart...he too love her as much...but he can't make a choice between two greater loves and that is why he don't want to let go of leah...but leah knows better...she make the sacrifice to be out of his life...and continue with will give her so much pain and lost if she don't...i soo admire her courage...

xo, Thursday, August 05, 2010.
Surabaya Trip
4 days 3 nights

Mount Bromo...2/October/2009 to 5/October/2009.
I fell in love for the first time....

The people,the environment,the atmosphere...
Such a beautiful place to travel with friends...

Took a jeep early in the cold dry morning(4am)...and drove all the way up
to the mountain near Volcano.Bromo ... Took pictures of course...
The horizon is breathtaking...Though there are many others there to share
the experience with me...

I even rode a horse for the first time!!
A 5 year old beautiful golden mare...I think the owner of the mare is younger than me...
I never thought I be so close with a steaming volcano.A trilling experience I will
never forget...
I heard there was a sudden small eruption happen 2 years age, some guy got killed...

We stayed over at Royal Tretes HOtel,at night...some girls smoked in our room balcony.I guess I joined in too just for fun and watched a horror flick.The next morning, we sang karoake and ate breakfast. We were the first one there.I guess the best Hotel I went so far.

Next destination,we went to the safari zoo...see the lions,tigers,bears up close...But I felt trapped like the animals living there...

Janna hated "horse tea" which in truth was just Jasmine Tea...hahaha!
Me.Wendy. taunted her...with it...hehehee!

last day
We went shopping,I bought a Puma Jacket.
At night,got promoted to Vice-Secretary for OAC committee...I never thought I could get selected...
We didn't sleep...the girls gone up to SanSan,Aida and Fida's room for our night supper and watched Indonesian Drama(Quite touching)...
Hani got her wish eating Mee Bakso even though it was only cup noodles...

xo, Sunday, November 08, 2009.
I had enough...
I'm going to lead my own life from now on.No more false hopes and dreams.Let it flow inside my body like a river heading into the ocean.It's over for me and him and all the idiotic imbeciles l will eventually meet in th future. Mr.L,my sweet...goodbye and good riddance. I just wanna have fun and ain't nobody gonna stop me. dengit i have cuts on three of my fingers. but somehow I feel great nevertheless cos' I knw I will never feel worthless with the likes of anybody's ridiculous opinions of me. I think I already like my new self right now.damn,it feels so good to be free.ohh, The Nanny show is on,gotta watch it!! bye peeps!!

xo, Saturday, November 07, 2009.
For my dearest and lovable friends...If I'm being selfish for not posting your pictures and my thoughts here...I'm sooo sorry!!Its not like I don't want to,darlz..all of you are in my memories inside my head..I will never forget..hahaa!
But I will try...don't worry!
For me,this blog is protect the identity of my friends and family members and the people whom I knw...
so I can be a little discreet about my life...hehehe
Soooo lovies!!

xo, Sunday, August 23, 2009.
happy yet tired...
Is feeling better...
but so tired...
why am I being avoided or is it me that avoiding them? I guess both sides are plausible...Whatever...
I can always move on to other personal pursuits...even if there are things that I don't really want to indulge with at the moment...
Especially..the "it"....

Although...having a little bit of fun won't hurt..

xo, Saturday, July 11, 2009.
... been thinking...
I've been thinking...the past few weeks...
about my life...there is something missing..I'm not sure... a gap...yes..a really big gap...but the thing is ...somehow I know what it is...and I can't tell nobody about it...
I have a family who loves me..though its never spoken forthright...I have siblings to care for and..trustworthy friends who I always count never ending for me...I know I do love someone out there...that is not a problem...
I can't sleep these days....always worrying ...about something...

Tonight,I called my see how she was doing since she hadn't been home for three days now...I guess I was pretty worried for her...but its good she was alright...

Anyway..for now..I'm just glad everyone is safe and sound...


xo, Thursday, July 02, 2009.
I'm starting on making scripts for any sort of story...
hopefully half-finishing it...hahaa
anihuu....what is wrong with Micheal in Prison Break 4!!! Noooo...He's not going to get he??!!! Sara and him are so close to be together!!! The producer better make them two alright or else!!

Pictures of him...bebeh...

They look so nice together...only in the drama series...real life..he's

xo, Friday, June 19, 2009.